Service request
Describe here the service request
Contact information
Name of the contact person
Last name, first name
Company of the contact person
Email of the contact person
Telephone number of the contact person
International format e.g. +358 40 123 456
Delivery Address
Contact, Street address, ZIP, City, Country
Your relation to Ensto
End user
Charger owner
Relation to Ensto Chago
Does the customer have a valid service agreement for the EV chargers?
Customers with valid service agreements are prioritized.
Are you authorized to agree actions that might involve cost?
Are you authorized to agree actions that might involve cost? If not, please provide to description fiedl who is.
EV charger
Location of the charger
Street address, postal code, city, country
Date of purchase
Purchase date format
Firmware version
Device firmware version
Company purchased from
Company name
Serial number of the charger
Serial numbers of chargers
Type of the charger
EVC / Premium
EVF / Pro
EVH / eFill
Ensto Cloud back end
Select whick kind of EV product is in use
Error description
Charger powered off
No power delivery to EV
No backend connection
Error description if other
Attachment pictures and log files
Attachment file or picture. Max size is 8 MB.